Daily musings of the creative team of Jack & Ella Designs. Showcasing the talent of other Etsy designers, as well as life according to us. - Enjoy!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jane Austen Day

Jane's Dames - Mrs. Darcy Bracelet, by jackandella

Jane Austen Day
(with apologies to Oliver Wendell Holmes)
by Annmarie Martin Symons

It chanced to be Jane Austen day
on the Sunday movie station
with Sense and Sensibility,
Pride and Prejudice, and Persuasion.
I abandoned all my housework –
left a sink of dirty dishes
to pine, ah! bitterly I wept –
for a man in knee-length breeches.

I watched him striding ‘cross the glade,
Alas! Too late my birth
for my own Mr. Darcy as portrayed
by that devil, Colin Firth
in a sopping shirt – I nearly died!
Soaked clean through to the stitches
“Take me, take ME!!” I faintly cried
(Those breeches, oh those BREECHES!)

That night I saw him in my dreams –
How changed from on the TV!
The rift of space and time collapsed
to bring my Darcy to me;
That handsome rake was mine, all mine,
no hint of Liz in sight –
and so, alone, sufficed to say
we spent a lovely night.

By morning light, two hundred years
flashed forward in a blink,
and I awoke a modern wife
with dishes in the sink.
But though my fate is here and now
my aching heart still twitches –
and I’ll search for Darcy in my dreams,
my love, in knee-length breeches.

Mr. Darcy (The place where Mr. Darcy proposed to Elizabeth, Stourhead), by marymaephotography

Mr Darcy cross stitch wall art, by thetimeisnow

Jane - an art doll with handmade leatherbound book Pride and Prejiduce, by MothtoaFlameStudio

Jane Austen-1 Inch Button, by Goobeetsa

Mr. Darcy Proposal Mug, by Brookish

Saucy Riding Boots and Mr Darcy Pride and Prejudice Locket Charm Necklace , by hoolala

Jane Austen Wine Charm Set - Jane, Bingley, Lizzy, Darcy, by ripka

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